Collins Crane and Rigging Service, Inside Storage FacilitiesCollins Crane and Rigging Service LogoServing New England's Construction and Manufacturing Industries since 1956. Committed to prompt and professional service.
The History of Collins Crane and Rigging Service
Crane and Rigging
Collins Crane HomeServicesStorage/WarehouseCompany InfoContact Us

Crane Services, mobile cranes, heavy equipment moving
Rentals and Operations
CCO Certified Operators,
OSHA Certified Cranes

Helicopter Hoisting


Machine Shop Specialists
IE. CNC Machines 500# - 100,000#. Transformers, Printing Machinery, and Tank Moving

Technical rigging, whereby our
pros dismantle, disassemble
and reassemble machinery and equipment (level and align new

Low bed/Drop Deck
Hydro Beaver Tail/Flatbed & Vans


Free Estimates on plant
 assembly, breakdown,
 moving, storing, hauling.